Isaiah 35 

“And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray. . .but the redeemed shall walk there.” (Isaiah 35:8, 9b ESV) 

On a recent Sunday morning, Faith and I were driving in Indiana. We had left with more than enough time to get to our destination early. Because I was familiar with the area, I didn’t check my map. I knew my freeway interchange was coming up shortly. It felt good to drive without looking at the map. 

As we drove on I-74, enjoying the beautiful Lord’s Day morning, it seemed that the early morning sun was in the wrong place. I was seeing no familiar landmarks. So, I stopped and looked at my map. Well, it was a small mistake – sort of! I had only missed my turn by one freeway interchange, maybe a couple of miles. But if I stayed on I-74 we would soon be in Cincinnati. We needed to be on I-70 so we could head toward Muncie, Indiana! 

It may seem like a small thing to ignore the signs that point to God’s Highway of Holiness. It may seem sort of old-fashioned, irrelevant to our current fast-paced and sophisticated society to take this route. It may not seem worth the effort. 

What we need to remember is the Highway of Holiness is God’s royal highway through life to heaven. It may or may not be the scenic route. It may or may not be the easiest driving. But it is the correct road. It will get you there. 

Just when we think we can forget our map, that’s exactly when we need to consult it. We must check in with the Word daily. Whether we are just beginning to head for God’s route, or have just gotten on it, or been traveling the Highway of Holiness for many years, let’s keep up with the map. It will keep us on the right road. 

Rev. John F. Sills 

Published by Douglas Johnson

I am a Life, Health and Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Investigative Journalist, and Author

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