Jeremiah 32:16, 17, 27

Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” 

Here is a question for you right from the pages of the Bible (see v. 27). Ah, my friend, keep asking yourself this question until the omnipotence of God becomes your one-all absorbing thought! Let the truth of these words dominate and control you. 

Just exactly how powerful is the God whom you worship? Is there anything too difficult for Him to do? How big is your God? J. I. Packer said, “We are modern man and modern men though they cherish great thoughts of man, have as a rule small thoughts of God.” I hope you, and I, are an exception of this. I trust that none of us have small thoughts of our great God! 

Just how real is God’s omnipotence to you? Does the fact that with Him nothing is impossible have any impact upon how you pray? Upon how you plan ahead? Upon your daily plodding along? Does your God specialize in the impossible? Or, is He stymied and frustrated by the same difficulties that floor you? 

Friend, let us not insult the name of the Almighty by binding Him with the same human limitations that so often frustrate and hinder us! For with the True and Living God who is there, nothing is impossible! I believe that when we allow God’s omnipotence to sink into the very fiber of our life and pervade all of our thinking and praying we will believe this

“Thou are coming to a King. 

Large petitions with thee bring. 

For His grace and power are such, 

None can ever ask too much!” GLORY! 

Rev. Gene Moyer 

Published by Douglas Johnson

I am a Life, Health and Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Investigative Journalist, and Author

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